Sweet and Sour Plum Salad

This sweet and sour fresh kale, plum and carrot salad recipe is inspired by the golden plums that Leslie brought us recently. Its just so plum good,

Ingredients for Plum Salad

  • 1 lb Fresh Plumbs pitted and sliced
  • 2 cucumber from the vine gently chopped
  • 2 carrot fresh roughly grated
  • 1 bunch of daily kale washed tossed and massaged
  • 1 cup chopped peas and beans
  • 2 cup chopped Lettuce, Arugula field greens

Plum Salad Dressing

The dressing helps bring out the sour skins from the plums with their sweet juicy centers by contrasting the lemon juice and maple syrup. Don’t hold back.

  • Salt, Pepper
  • 2 tbl spoon Lemmon juice
  • Oregano, Basil
  • 2 tbl spoon Maple Syrup
  • Balsamic Vinegar
  • Olive oil

Chop and mix the greens together and add the plums on top then drizzle with the dressing, and enjoy.

Best served under the sky next to Jack’s pumpkin beanstalk.